Welcome to the Qehilath Haderek online library. Here you will find a collection of our own publications and a select collection from other authors and sources. We will attempt to make available here every one of our publications, and any from other sources which seem appropriate to us, for the use of those of all Sabbath-keeping faith groups. If you have or know of any articles, books, recordings, or other materials that you think belong in our collection, please submit them to us at:
This Library is a charitable function of our ministry and is available to everyone without cost. While we do ask and always appreciate donations of any size to help our ministry outreach efforts, it is all free to you with our guarantee of no commercial ads or misuse of your personal information whatsoever. We do charge a small fee for mailing out hard-copies of our materials.
Please feel free to use these resources, but keep in mind that some of our links to other ministries may require that you get permission from them before distributing those materials found on their websites.
This Library is a charitable function of our ministry and is available to everyone without cost. While we do ask and always appreciate donations of any size to help our ministry outreach efforts, it is all free to you with our guarantee of no commercial ads or misuse of your personal information whatsoever. We do charge a small fee for mailing out hard-copies of our materials.
Please feel free to use these resources, but keep in mind that some of our links to other ministries may require that you get permission from them before distributing those materials found on their websites.
A collection of various editions and translations of scripture and prayerbooks commonly used by those of a variety of Sabbath-keeping faiths, along with blessings and excerpts from still other writings and books both ancient and as yet unpublishedWe generally recommend only a limited few selections of scriptures and traditional Hebrew prayers as favorites. Most prominently among them are The Scriptures, by the Institute for Scriptural Research and The Authorized Daily Prayer Book, by J.H. Hertz. However, no translation is perfect and there are flaws in even these excellent works. In the interest of study and education for such a diverse group as the membership and friends of our ministry, we here offer these and several other publications, as well. Some of these books can simply be viewed here online, others must first be downloaded, and a few require programs to be installed on your computer through which to view them.
Currently, there is, in our opinion, no best Siddur (prayerbook) available to the people of YHWH who follow Yeshua the Messiah and The Way. We have been in the process of producing one for many years, and only lack funds to complete it. If you, like us, long for such a book that is largely traditional, but tailored to believers in Messiah Yeshua, consider contributing to this effort with a donation to our nationwide outreach, Sabbath Keepers Fellowship & Prison Ministry. Scriptures
Bible concordances, maps, dictionaries and other sectarian works, as well as a selection of some common and some esoteric writings to aid readers in the study and understanding of scripture and faith.While no reference book or concordance can substitute for a comprehensive understanding of the original languages of scripture, everyone at some point in their studies needs the aid of these books. Qehilath Haderek here provides a wide selection of these study aids for your convenience. Use caution in making assumptions or doctrinal positions based upon the information in these books, as they are not inspired scripture and always reflect the beliefs and agenda of their writers. Some of these books can simply be viewed here online, others must first be downloaded, and a few require programs to be installed on your computer through which to view them.
Hebrew New Testament
The current month’s calendar and up-to-date eye-witnessed new moon reports, along with a few brief but thoughtful articles about the ancient Hebrew calendarThe beautiful new 2023-2024 Complete Believer’s Calendar is now available for free online viewing or download, and is available for purchase in a full-color glossy paper version through Sabbath Keepers Fellowship & Prison Ministry, our outreach ministry. It is, hands down, the most accurate and comprehensive new crescent calendar on the planet. We have posted the current calendar page and its corresponding Notes page below for you to see, and as a courtesy to our members. You may download a printable PDF version of the calendar here.
Link: Sabbath Keepers Fellowship Complete Believer's Calendar Page |
A wide-ranging assortment of music and video for Sabbath-keepers from a variety of sources, both entertaining and educational in nature, including the Complete Believer’s Songbook and CD, Sabbath Keepers Fellowship's own production for use by prison inmates and others nationwideThere are a great number of musical and video resources on the web for those of Sabbath-keeping faiths to learn from and enjoy, and here are a few of our favorites. We at Sabbath Keepers Fellowship hope you will freely use and enjoy these publications, even as we do. We pray also that they bring you much learning and cause a joyful noise to continually be lifted up to the One who inhabits the praises and prayers of His people Yisrael, blessed be He, and blessed be His name.
Sacred Name Music - From various sources
A small selection of basic aids for learning scriptural Hebrew, not scholarly or dense, these helps are geared toward beginners and those desiring a basic understanding of the native language of their bibles and prayerbooksThere is no substitute for learning the original language of scripture in order to better understand it. Concordances and dictionaries are great helps, but they just cannot give you the flavor and nuance found in the ancient Hebrew language. The Hebrew scriptures also contain many idioms and metaphors that get completely lost in translations, and there is a certain beauty that is just not conveyed by any other tongue.
Learning a language from the distant past with so many differences from modern western English can seem a daunting task. It is not easy and will not happen overnight, but you can learn enough Hebrew to navigate the scriptures better than you ever thought possible in a fairly short while – if you apply yourself diligently to the task. The materials below are free to all and will help you get started. All are free and may be shared without permission. Hebrew Vowel Chart